Adrift citizen scientist projection still.


22 Jun - 01 Dec 2020  

Planktonic journeys

Come along and see 2000 virtual marine microbes as they drift in a simulated ocean environment! This installation is part of the citizen science project Adrift.

These trajectories, generated by a global community of citizen scientists, are helping researchers identify areas in the ocean where real-life microbes experience variability in their environment; an important step in considering the future of our oceans and the living systems which they sustain. 

Watch the visualisation unfold, and find out how to get involved.

The museum supported the launch of the Adrift citizen science project in 2018 with an installation and public talk for National Science Week. Two years later, the return of Adrift to the museum allows audiences to see for themselves the positive impact that citizen science has on oceanographic research.  

Adrift is a collaborative project developed by the University of Technology Sydney’s Climate Change Cluster (C3), Faculty of Science and Data Poetics, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building together with the Centre for Science Communication at the University of Otago, New Zealand. 

Adrift is supported by the Inspiring Australia—Science Engagement Programme, an initiative by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science & partners the Bureau of Meteorology and Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS).