When you come to the museum next you will see an exciting new change in our foyer. We are proud to announce the new museum Shop!

A long-awaited change as part of the museum rebranding, the intention behind a redesigned store was to create a space that is an essential destination during a visit to the museum - and one which seamlessly blends within the museum foyer space.

We want our Shop to be famous for all things oceanic – to be the oceanic bookshop, the oceanic gift shop, and for it to echo the sea in colour, theme and finish. Uniquely for a museum shop, it includes seating and space to rest and read, as well as new comfortable discrete areas to try clothing. Our buyers have stocked up on carefully-selected items that reflect the museum’s themes. We would love the Shop to become a favourite source for thoughtful, interesting, quality gifts. 


Here are the category areas in the Shop, reflecting favourite themes from the museum: 

Ships & Shipwrecks (history, books, model boats, etc.), Marine Life (ocean health, sustainability, books / games), First Nations (books, homewares), Aquatic Gifts (nautical soaps, brass, glass décor), Adventure (kids toys, clothing, educational games, books), Jewellery, Apparel & Accessories (men, women, t-shirts, hats, caps, scarves, socks), Temporary exhibition collateral.

We have many new products in the Shop, with more on the way in coming weeks.

So come and say hello when you next visit and see all that is new. Our Shop staff would love to see you.



New Shop photography by Marinco Kojdanovski.