MMAPSS 2022 - 23

2022 Support for Flood affected organisations

In support of those organisations affected by the floods of early 2022 across the country, a priority weighting will be given by the Selection Committee to applications submitted by these organisations.

To demonstrate that your organisation has been affected by the 2022 floods, please include details in the letter of support from the Head of your organisation which outline how the floods have affected your organisation.

If in the judgement of the Selection Committee the organisation submitting an application has been affected by the floods of early 2022 an extra point will be given against each of the following selection criteria:

  • Relevance to a specified target audience & the community in general
  • Quality of the project in terms of its aims, content, rationale and likely benefit

Projects and applications will still need to abide by the MMAPSS eligibility criteria.

As always, MMAPSS is open to applications for cash grants, in-kind (non-cash) support and internships.

Applicants from organisations which have not been affected by the 2022 floods are strongly encouraged to apply as usual.


Is it worth applying if our organisation has NOT been affected by the floods?
Absolutely, applicants from organisations which are not in flood affected regions are strongly encouraged to apply as usual.

Call the MMAPSS Coordinator to discuss your project!
All applicants are encouraged to call the MMAPSS Coordinator on 02 9298 3743 to discuss their project. This will provide an opportunity to use the MMAPSS Coordinator as a sounding board to discuss the following;

  • If your organisation is eligible to apply.
  • Whether the types of expenses you are asking for funding for are in fact eligible.
  • Your project’s focus, to confirm if it is one that is likely to be supported and / or if there are some contacts in the ANMM that might be worth speaking with prior to submitting your application i.e. to get advice and encouragement about the way forward.

How will the priority weighting for flood affected areas work?
The MMAPSS Selection Committee, as per the MMAPSS Guidelines, evaluate each project application against the following selection criteria:

  • evidence of the project’s maritime significance;
  • quality of the project in terms of its aims, content, rationale and likely benefit;
  • evidence of sound planning, appropriate management and financial administration;
  • relevance to a specified target audience and the community in general; and
  • demonstrated viability of the organisation and the proposed project.

If in the judgement of the Selection Committee the organisation submitting an application has been affected by the recent floods an extra point will be given against each of the following criteria:

  • relevance to a specified target audience & the community in general
  • quality of the project in terms of its aims, content, rationale and likely benefit

How does our organisation demonstrate that we have been affected by the floods?
Please include details in a letter of support from the Head of your organisation which outline how the floods have affected your organisation for consideration by the Selection Committee.

If we are submitting an application as an organisation which has been affected by the floods, does our project have to relate to the floods? (i.e. does it have to be for conservation work, interpretive projects or activity related to the floods such as recording oral histories etc.?)
No, as long as in judgement of the Selection Committee your organisation can demonstrate that you have been affected by the floods, a priority weighting will be given to your application regardless of whether your project relates to the floods.

More Information

If you have any questions about MMAPSS please contact the coordinator:

The Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian National Maritime Museum and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.