children with sensory backpacks

Sensory Backpacks

Available every day

Sensory backpacks are a free borrowable resource for those with sensory sensitivities. Backpacks include a range of items to both stimulate and calm the sensory system. These include items such as fidgets, ear defenders, and tools for exploring the museum. Limited availability.

The Australian National Maritime Museum has many incredible exhibitions, vessels and programs to explore. However, as many public spaces are, the museum can be an overwhelming experience, particularly for those with sensory sensitivities and needs.

People with sensory sensitivities can have either an overactive or underactive sensory system. Our sensory backpacks include a range of tools that can be used to both stimulate and calm the sensory system to make visits to the museum more enjoyable.

Backpacks are available for both children and adults. They are a free resource that can be borrowed at the bag-check located at the front desk.

Childrens* backpacks include:

  • Stress ball: provide a tactile outlet for nerves or excitement
  • A puppet: to act as a ‘guide’ through the museum and engage children to the museum exhibitions
  • Fidgets: to engage tactile and visual senses
  • Notebook and pencil: for nonverbal communication or notetaking
  • Magnifying glass: to visually engage with museum collections in a different way
  • Ear defenders: provide noise protection from unwanted sounds
  • Timer: create a calming effect and aid concentration and transitions
  • Torch: lighten darker exhibitions and investigate objects

Adults backpacks include:

  • Stress ball: provide a tactile outlet for nerves or excitement
  • Fidgets: to engage tactile and visual senses
  • Notebook and pencil: for nonverbal communication or notetaking
  • Magnifying glass: to visually engage with museum collections in a different way
  • Ear defenders: provide noise protection from unwanted sounds
  • Timer: create a calming effect and aid concentration and transitions
  • Torch: lighten darker exhibitions or investigate objects

*Warning: some items are not suitable for children under 5 years. Children using backpacks must be monitored by an adult.


A social story of the museum can also be downloaded here.


Photography by Rhiannon Hopley



We’re proud to announce that the Maritime Museum is a Sunflower friendly venue. The Sunflower is a globally recognised symbol for non-visible disabilities. Thanks to Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Australia & New Zealand our staff wearing a Sunflower badge have been trained to recognise this symbol and will be of assistance where they can. Free sunflower lanyards are available at the front desk.


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