A childhood lost

Raymond age 10 at Castledare in Cannington 1958. Lent by Raymond Brand

"I was transferred to Castledare Boys Home, conducted by the Christian Brothers, where I was to learn what horrors awaited me – the loss of my innocence and childhood." Raymond Brand

Raymond Brand was admitted to Father Hudson’s Homes in Birmingham at five months of age. Raymond’s mother agreed to pay a weekly sum towards her son’s upkeep. When the payments lapsed Father Hudson’s indicated they were not prepared to retain this child in care much longer.

Birmingham-based Father Hudson was treasurer and later secretary of the Catholic Emigration Association, formed in 1903 to offer Midlands children better opportunities in the colonies. Father Hudson personally accompanied some 30 parties of children to Canada and also to Australia until the mid-1930s.

In March 1950 Raymond's mother signed him over for adoption. Instead of being adopted in Britain he was sent to Western Australia on RMS Oronsay in 1953, aged five.

Raymond was initially placed in the St Vincent’s home in Wembley, before being moved to Castledare junior orphanage, where he was repeatedly physically and sexually abused by his carers.

He was later transferred to Bindoon Boys’ Town and subjected to further brutality and humiliating verbal abuse. Raymond left Bindoon educated only to Year Five and bearing mental scars which remain to this day.

Consent form

Lent by Raymond Brand

Raymond’s migration consent form notes he is suitable for migration, with average build, no visible defects, intelligence reaction favourable. With this endorsement Raymond became one of 133 Father Hudson’s children ‘selected’ for Australia.

Lent by Raymond Brand


Lent by Raymond Brand

Raymond’s half-brothers Christopher, Tony and Frank, just before they were sent to an orphanage in Bedford England in 1934

Christian Brothers in Western Australia

Construction of the administration building at Bindoon, 1952. Reproduced courtesy State Library of Western Australia, The Battye Library 010817D.

G’day Ray

Lent by Raymond Brand

Raymond believed he was an orphan until seeing the 1989 television documentary 'Lost Children of the Empire'. He called the advertised helpline and was referred to the Child Migrants Trust, who discovered he had three half-brothers. The brothers exchanged painful letters and long phone calls for two years before finally meeting in 1994.