The Deep learning resource includes two learning sequences. They can be completed individually or together. Each page includes a sequence of tasks students can complete in the classroom with guidance from a teacher. 


Learning Sequence 1: Ocean creatures, habitats and stories 
Students explore all the fantastical and exciting creatures from The Deep. The tasks and activities centre around science and fiction, asking students to research the different creatures in the series. Applying their knowledge, students determine whether the physical and behavioural characteristics observed in the television series are based on real or imaginary underwater creatures. They then undertake a research task to learn more about four ocean creatures. Using this knowledge, students then design their own creature for an episode of The Deep, create a habitat and write a creative story – combining their science knowledge about real ocean creatures with imagination and creativity. 

Learning Sequence 2: Protect the oceans using design and technologies 
Design thinking is used by inventors, engineers and creatives to help solve complex problems, come up with imaginative solutions and develop new products that meet people’s needs. Students are encouraged to create a challenge statement based around sustainability and navigation and then collaborate to find a solution using technology. After investigating what technology is and how scientists use it, students work in teams to design an invention to help the Nekon family on their adventures. Using a design thinking framework, students simulate a 'sprint' where ideas are formed and realised in quick succession. 


Visit The Deep


This learning resource was developed by the Australian Children’s Television Foundation in collaboration with the Australian National Maritime Museum.