Ocean futures
Delight in the diverse creatures and environments that make up our oceans, lakes and rivers, including the challenges they face and some inspiring solutions.
The actions of our past and present shape our ocean future. We collect and share stories of innovation and hope across science, industry and communities.

Ron and Valerie Taylor were pioneers in Australian skindiving and spearfishing in the mid 1950s before turning their interest to scuba diving and underwater photography.
Passionate defenders of sharks and the marine environment, the Taylors have been recognised for their work all over the globe. Their work has made a massive impact on ocean conservation, a cause that Valerie still vocally supports to this day.
From our education team
School programs and online resources perfect for school students learning about ocean science and sustainability
Search our Ocean futures objects collection

Delta RIB - 3D photogrammetry
Get a closer look at the Delta RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) used by the non-profit conservation organisation, Sea Shepherd, with 3D photogrammetry by Rampe Realistic Imaging.