Ocean Health Lab
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Did you know Sydney is the first city in the world to monitor microplastics 24/7?
Seabin Ocean Health Lab has landed at the Maritime Museum. The first of its kind in the world, Seabin scientists analyse marine debris – from macroplastics to tiny nurdles, sucked from the sea by the 30 Seabins stationed around Sydney Harbour. Dive deep into the stories behind the data and learn about what we can do to turn the tide on marine pollution.
Explore the world’s first Ocean Health Lab with free, daily tours.
“Sydney is the first city in the world to filter the water for microplastics and other contaminants, and now together, we are benchmarking for the rest of the world to follow suit”
Pete Ceglinski – co-founder and CEO, The Seabin Project.
Staffed by Seabin Foundation’s two full time marine scientists, the Ocean Health Lab researches the extent of the floating plastic pollution problem in Sydney’s waterways, with a particular focus on microplastics. The research will inform ways to address floating pollution issues in the form of new best practices, policy and legislation, and will enable Seabin™️ to accurately develop critical baseline data that may determine both water quality and the health and progress of Sydney harbour.
The lab functions as a multipurpose research facility and a meeting place where research, citizen science, education, and community engagement can overlap weekly. The Ocean Health Lab is externally decorated with Indigenous art by Bronwen Smith and Gavin Chatfield of Gwiyaala Aboriginal Art; an invitation to remember our shared connection to waterways and the oceans.
Visitors to the museum will be able to engage directly with the Ocean Health Lab staff as part of daily tours that explore the ground-breaking work being done by the Seabin team, and gain a deeper understanding of the microplastics issue in Sydney harbour and beyond.