Engage with the aims of Encounters 2020. Share the learning intentions of the module and use this first activity to assess prior knowledge. 

The artwork by Gail Mabo draws on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s connection to the skies and their use of the stars to guide them through country. Mabo is from Murray Island and is an active participant in the arts. She is the daughter of land rights activist Eddie Mabo. 

The artwork speaks of resilience, that despite significant change precipitated by colonisation Australia’s First Nations peoples continue to hold deep connections and have long traditions with the environment.

See Think Wonder Use the 'see think wonder' strategy to describe what you see and infer what is happening. Invite students to consider the following questions:

What do you see? 
- What do you notice first?
- What colours and symbols can you observe? 

What do you think?
- What do you think the colours and symbols represent?
- What do you think the representations refer to? 
- What do you think the motivations of the creator were in creating this image?
- What is the creator trying to communicate?
- Do you think they have been successful?

What do you wonder about?
- What would you like to find out? 
- How will you find out? 

Main image: Constellation, Gail Mabo, ANMM Collection 00054564