Pioneers of shark stories

Pioneers of shark stories

Valerie and Ron travelled the world to learn all they could about sharks and share their new-found knowledge with the public. 

For the Papua New Guinean communities of Tembin, Mesi and Kontu, shark calling is a part of who they are. Sharks carry the spirits of their ancestors. In the 1980s, the Taylors were working on a German production about methods of attracting sharks. To understand traditional shark fishing, they travelled to the island of New Ireland, where after Valerie was ‘made a man’ for the day. She was allowed to witness the ceremonial preparation for what has been called the oldest extent method of shark fishing, observing first-hand how well it worked.

Wooden Paddle
Papua New Guinean shark fisher's paddle
Shark rattle made of Bamboo, coconut shell and rope.
Papua New Guinean shark rattle or 'larung'
Papua New Guinean shark propeller

Explore a Papua New Guinean larung (shark rattle)


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