Mystery Shipwreck Additional Resources

Additional learning activity

Wreck Seeker - an online educational game for the classroom

Australian National Maritime Museum

Maritime archaeology workshop

Visit the museum on a school excursion to study Maritime Archaeology. This object-based learning experience brings history to life as students investigate a collection of unlabelled objects, practise source analysis skills and develop a historical inquiry.   

2 female students in navy school uniforms, looking down at artefacts

Find out more about the work of real maritime archaeologists in these digital resources:

Drafting an archaeological site plan 

Finding Endeavour

Finding Endeavour - A ship now simply known as RI 2394 lies wrecked on the muddy seabed of Newport Harbor—find out why the museum is claiming this is HMB Endeavour

Australian National Maritime Museum

The tale of how a little coal-carrying ship, originally called the Earl of Pembroke, but better known as His Majesty's Bark Endeavour. 

Australian National Maritime Museum

Discover more about the South Australian

A Graphic Tale of Shipwreck, is an exhibition which tells the story of a shipwreck using real artefacts retrieved by our Maritime Archaeologists as well as stunning graphic novel illustrations and an immersive diving experience.

This page also includes additional resources such as videos and articles about the investigation into the wreck. 

Artwork showing a small rowing boat on a story sea with large waves.
artwork showing a low angle of the bow of a ship, with a chain our the front going into the waves and a grey sky.