Dharawal language
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Learn words in Dharawal language using the animated video Barani, created by Studio Gilay for the Australian National Maritime Museum.
Barani is the Dharawal word meaning ‘yesterday’. Created as part of Vivid Sydney 2024, this film recounts events in Warrane (Sydney Harbour) 500 years ago, as a mother teaches her son how to fish, displaying the harmony between humans and nature. It's a story that stretches back thousands of years, exploring themes of humanity, compassion and connection.
Practice these ten Dharawal words
Namaraag (Sydney Golden Wattle)
Nawi (Bark canoe)
Ghundu (Tree)
Dhanj (Fish)
Badu (Waters)
Djaju (Moon)
Bura (Fish hook)
Ganbi (Fire)
Burri burri (humpback whale)
Budbuli (Possum skin)
Activities for the classroom
Dharawal word match
Draw a line to connect the Dharawal word with its matching English word.
Dharawal drawing
Draw a picture of each Dharawal word. You can use the Barani film as inspiration.
Dharawal language quiz
Select the Dharawal word that matches each picture in this interactive quiz.
Want to know more?
Book a school excursion to explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures or visit the museum to watch Barani in the exhibition galleries.