NSW History Syllabus - Stage 2 Historical Concepts
Continuity and change
Some things change over time and others remain the same, eg aspects in the local community that have either changed or remained the same; changes to the lives of Aboriginal peoples with the arrival of the First Fleet.
Cause and effect
Events, decisions or developments in the past that produce later actions, results or effects, eg how conditions and decisions in Britain resulted in the journey of the First Fleet; causes of change in the local area/state.
People from the past will have different views and experiences, eg views on the arrival of the British in Australia from a British and an Aboriginal point of view.
Empathetic understanding
Developing an understanding of another's views, life and decisions made, eg developing an understanding of the life and attitudes of an early colonist or convict.
Importance of an event, development or individual/group, eg the significance/importance of national days/holidays; the significance of the contributions of an early settler.